Friday, June 4, 2010

furry friend

over memorial day weekend. my parents and i were sitting on the deck. eating dinner. when mother brought her up. that two years ago we had to say goodbye to cory lynn. it was different this time. bringing her up. since zola was laying on the ground. napping. and being a good girl. mother then went onto say. zola was coming around. she was getting out of her puppy phase. and becoming one of us. apart of the family. and not just a dog. its a weird feeling. i am thankful for all my years with cory. she was my first dog. kind of like your first love. you will never forget them. i can sometimes feel the memories slowly fading. and i get sad for that. but i still keep photographs of her around the house. on my desk at work. so i know she will always remain in my heart. i know she is still watching over me. and she has been telling zola she better behave! ha.

this month in the anthropologie newsletter. they had a featured on a photographer who did a project on her dogs. both have since gone to doggy heaven. they just so happen to be labs. so i am a little bias. but i thought i would share this awesome tribute to her boys. beware - it made me tear up a little. grab a kleenex. and give your furry baby a big hug and kiss after.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

waiting can be a good thing. and for me, it has.