Friday, July 31, 2009

around the river bend

its time for another valentine trip. i will be driving solo. for the 8 hr trek. part of me is excited for this. the other part of me remembers this past winter when we drove up for granny's 80th. it was nice to sleep for 4 hours. wake up. eat breakfast at grand island. (neither grand nor an island. insert audience laugh). and then have family sing alongs until we arrive. ill just have to belt it out even more by myself. and not sleep.

since it is summer. and there is only so much you can do. in a town population maybe 3,000. a river trip is in store. i'll miss crazy days tomorrow. but i am sure a shopping trip to the few shops downtown will take place. and a prime rib dinner at the casino will also be on the list. the most exciting part. i will be away from work for 4 days. i havent done such things in a long time. i need a mental break. from work. from doggies. and from life. until i on the look out for bumper stickers!

(actual photo from niobrara river in valentine - according to the internet)

Thursday, July 30, 2009

bumper sticker xxviii

spotted wednesday by rach. my favorite hair gal. we need to work on her camera skills. i would really like to see the artwork. and car make/model. but she has been one of my top contributors, so i cant hate.

"I'll keep my guns, money and freedom. You keep the change."

bumper sticker xxvii

spotted today by lp. love the clever spin on this one.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

one of my favorites from lemonade's wedding. priceless. love ya b!

Monday, July 27, 2009


i got so wrapped up in summer. i forgot that little princess zola suh turned one. on july 7th. i dont think the parents threw her a party. but they probably gave her lots of treats (because thats what they do). took her on a fun walk (opposed to the non-fun ones everyday). and maybe slipped her something special in the dinner. she also got to go on her first big road trip to grandma and grandpa's house in austin. she was good and slept the whole ride. and then chased cats. and hammed it up with the grandparents. i meant to take a picture of her when i visited yesterday. but you see. i have a bit of a sinus attack. and any extra movement. really has to be justified. we played some. napped together. and she shared lots of kisses. zola is almost out of the puppy phase and is a sweet girl. until she grabs anything at her level. that she knows she shouldnt have. and wants to play chase.

also happy birthday to ry-guy, baby winstead. i cant believe its been a year since i met him. and nanny stacy and i played dress up. he is a perfect little guy and getting so big. but remains - adorable. wish i could have been there! (photo courtesy of mom).

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

am i alone

or does anyone else get aggravated by voice messages at work. specifically from internal folks. like cant they just send you an email. it takes me longer to call my vm. enter the pass code. listen to them ramble. delete it. hang up. and either call. or i personally email back. i dont like talking on the phone that much in my personal life. and now it is transferring to my work life. ugh. just make it go away.

Monday, July 20, 2009


i am trying everything in my power. not. to. itch. my left calf is covered. tiny red bumps. so that when my jean hits them. they start to tingle. and ITCH. i try to think of something else. to refrain from moving my hand down. letting my nails scratch the surface. but then i move my foot ever so slightly. and my sandal hits that giant red bump on my arch. with ten others surrounding it. and then i can feel one on my thigh. and my innner arm. they just want me to itch them. i grab the cortizone cream. to only bump my hand against the bite below my thumb. that one. it has been scratched a lot. easy access. its almost gone. from being scratched so much.

needless to say. i am in pain. i will drug myself with benadryl. to not scratch during the middle of the night. i tried to show untitled my leg over lunch. she was grossed out immediately. and asked me to stop. with a look of disgust. it is a bad site. i hope the little bastards that did this are dead by now. and i am sure my coworkers think i am a freak. when i have to apply anti-itch cream through out the day.

i love summer...

bumper sticker xxvi

spotted by hennessy. saturday at powerplay. got balls?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

bumper sticker xxv

spotted. wednesday evening by hennessy. classic.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

anything goes

i attended the theatre last night. with season tickets to the summer musicals. i only wish i had remembered to bring binoculars. as even though i am living the posh lifestyle. by attending the theatre (please read in a snubby accent) our seats are a little toward the back. for the first show. legally blonde. i sat and thought. one day. one day i wont care what i spend on my tickets. and will sit up front.

when we arrived last night. we went into the gift shop to kill some time. i then found the perfect little binoculars. with a neat starlight carrying case. they were also endorsed by a fellow attendee who help sell me on them. it really made the show even better. as i could zoom in on the chracters and actually see their faces. i am super excited to use them for chicago and mama mia!

Monday, July 13, 2009

jersey chaser

took a road trip to see inbloom and bugs this past weekend with untitled. the beginning of the trip was just like thelma and louise. we just needed a convertible. and brad pitt. we had a bad dinner at a sonic outside st. joe. sang our little hearts out to three dixie chicks cds. stopped at a crazy gas station to do some shopping. debated over a present for inbloom or bugs. like the wolf blanket. or life size doll. also spotted an off brand vespa look alike. decided buying one from a highway gas station. not the best idea. but the price was amazing.

we arrived in lincoln. to only be welcomed by food, drink, a rooftop party and fireworks. the weekend progressed with more eating. more drinking. and fun! it was during our evening out on the town. pretending to be 21 and in college again. we spotted suh. my favorite husker football player. i was ecstatic. inbloom and i made a couple of text to people that would also be excited. and were told we needed to provide proof. we grabbed our camera. and were women on a mission. we creepily approached him and his buddy at the bar. we did the usual - you are great. awesome. love you. jumped in for a photo opt. and boogied back to our friends. success. we left the bar and were on our way to end the night at the dance club two doors down. and guess who showed up...suh and his boys. he recognized us. and came to join our group on the mini stage. it was the best way to spend a weekend in lincoln. he not only is a great player. but was also very nice and fun to hang out with. and the friendship wont end. we are also online friends now. its totally legit.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

bumper sticker xxiv

its been awhile... and this one is pretty good.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009