Monday, July 20, 2009


i am trying everything in my power. not. to. itch. my left calf is covered. tiny red bumps. so that when my jean hits them. they start to tingle. and ITCH. i try to think of something else. to refrain from moving my hand down. letting my nails scratch the surface. but then i move my foot ever so slightly. and my sandal hits that giant red bump on my arch. with ten others surrounding it. and then i can feel one on my thigh. and my innner arm. they just want me to itch them. i grab the cortizone cream. to only bump my hand against the bite below my thumb. that one. it has been scratched a lot. easy access. its almost gone. from being scratched so much.

needless to say. i am in pain. i will drug myself with benadryl. to not scratch during the middle of the night. i tried to show untitled my leg over lunch. she was grossed out immediately. and asked me to stop. with a look of disgust. it is a bad site. i hope the little bastards that did this are dead by now. and i am sure my coworkers think i am a freak. when i have to apply anti-itch cream through out the day.

i love summer...

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I got a package from my mom last night that contained "Chigg-off" and "After bite." Can you tell I complain about bug bites a lot?