Monday, October 5, 2009

first outing

my first outing with my lil sis went a little something like this. i picked her up for the movies. my phone wasnt working, so i didnt have the directions to the movies from her house. i guessed correctly and got us to the right theater. we watched the 3D toy story movies. thats 1 & 2. i dont know how they expect little kids attention spans to last through both. back to back. i barley managed. the 3D was pretty cool and it had been awhile since i saw them. so after three hours of 3D movie watching. we were driving home. and i saw a small animal dart across the road. before i could react. i felt a thud with the car. i am pretty sure i hit someone's kitty cat. i kind of freaked. more that she must think i am a horrible person. i didnt know if i should have stopped. checked on the animal. but i didnt. lil sis asked if i was okay. and said well i dont think you killed it. you didnt run over it multiple times. ha. good point. she is a smarty pants. i am going to blame it on wearing those crazy glasses for so long. my eyes were not at 20/20.


Stacy said...

You are Map-Girl, you need no GPS assistance.

I hope you're not traumatized, but your lil sis is right.

Lowa said...

I once was a big-sis as well. My first outing went well, we were at her school library and I brought her a snack. The next time I did not bring her a snack. She was not pleased and was a little terror from that point forward.