Wednesday, January 27, 2010

seeing eyes

every morning on my way to work. i pass a bus stop. there is a woman. who stands patiently. every morning with her beloved black lab by her side. it sits at attention. also waiting patiently. sometimes i see them crossing the street together. or huddled under a store awning when it is raining. the dog is her seeing eye dog. i cant help but smile and gush every morning i see them. the lab's sweet yet serious face. i just want to squeeze it. i would love to meet them. but i have found when i do things like that. i freak people out. (too aggressive?) i also realize the dog is working. and i am not allowed to deter it from doing its duties. they seem to be a perfect pair. i wish i could watch them all day long. it is amazing that these dogs can help so much. there was a time. long ago. when i thought it would be awesome to help train the dogs as puppies. but. i know myself too well. i am a lover. a nurturer. i wouldnt be a good trainer. it would be hard for me to be strict. and not give them hugs and kisses after i scolded them. (this is how i am with zola and was with cory). and the biggest reason i talked myself out of it. i could never give those puppies up. i would be too attached. and instead be heartbroken. after seeing my 'friends' every morning at the bus stop. i know there are others out there. equipped to handle such tasks. its such an awesome thing. even more reason i just love dogs. i found a site below. in case any one is interested. i know there are many programs out there.

the seeing eye web site

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