Thursday, July 1, 2010

its going

week two at my new assigned work space. things are going good. hard to really answer the age old question everyone likes to ask me now. how is it? are you happy? again. its been 9 days. i need time. more time to pass judgment. i will reveal the following:

there is an espresso machine. this makes me happy.
the hallway sometimes smells like perm. this does not make me happy.
my office sometimes has a fart smell. (and it wasnt me - mine dont smell). my coworker told me its probably because its on the way to the bathroom. not happy.
i have blank walls in my office. this makes me happy. craft projects!
seymour, my giant bamboo - one stalk died when i left the old place - i havent brought him into the new place. i am afraid more stalks will die and he cant stand up on his own. i am neutral about this.
i still get to have lunch. and hang out with old coworkers - now 'friends'. this makes me very happy.

1 comment:

katieharris said...

Yaaaay! You're back! I've missed your posts, but glad to hear work and life is treating you great, just like you deserve.