this post. makes me so happy. finally a feeling of relief. and one more item to check off my list. the directv debacle has been resolved. yes. done. no more ranting. and whining on here about directv. my outlook can go back to neutral. as i never had a problem with them when i was a client. it was after. weighing out.
it began with a simple email from tonerhuffer. he had found a blurb on twitter regarding another disgruntled directv customer. see below:
"Three weeks was the earliest X customer could hope to get her new HD DirecTV dish installed. Her husband was not happy about missing that much of the football season. Hoping for a sooner install time, X called back…four times. No dice. Three weeks was the earliest they could do. Annoyed, X broadcasted her frustration on Twitter and DirecTV (
@DirecTV) caught it and responded. Within three days X had a senior supervisor installer in her home installing the dish. While DirecTV didn’t respond to her private call, they did respond to her public tweet."
i thought this was a brillant idea. and if you follow me on twitter. i made my first attempt. it wasnt useful. since i didnt direct it toward directv (@directv). (obviously i am unaware of 'how to' use twitter. or in this instance of using it). so tonerhuffer stepped in again. gave me the tweet verbiage to use. and bingo. within 10 minutes of my post. directv was following me. then sent me a tweet back. after all the back and forth on twitter. they then contacted me on the phone that afternoon. brad. my sexy phonevoice. directv customer support guy was ready to help. (if you are out there. feel free to call me anytime. i am single.) but anyway, back to my story. he handled the request. he was putting in a manual request for the recovery kits. varified the address. phone number. and promised a tracking number. provided his direct line at work to follow up with. i felt good. but i had this same promise so many times before. so still a little reluctant.
yesterday afternoon. i received a follow-up from brad. he then told me that i didnt need to send the receivers back. so no recovery kits will be coming my way. and this will not come back to haunt me. (i did save his voicemessage as a mp3. i am paranoid. i guess). so wipe my hands clean. i am done. he mentioned i could save them if i want to come back to dtv. but there is an electronic recycle drive for habitat for humanity next week. perfect timing. and that seems more practical. otherwise they would go to my free storage unit. ala parentals house. and i dont think they would like that.
i am off for another weekend in the sea of red. brother and i are headed to the nebraska game with inbloom. it might be a little chilly. but since we have actual tickets. i am hoping being squished among the crowd. and all my cheering with help keep us warm. GBR!