Wednesday, November 12, 2008


i have been swamp with my duties at work. ha. why is the word duties so funny. inbloom and i spent a long time laughing and repeating it in one of our last visits. i kept telling her i have assigned her a new duty. has she completed her duties. seriously. we must be five. i also had to laugh when the new bond movie commercial was on the tele the other night. one of his lines is: i am motivated by my duties. oh dear.

felt like i needed to write. to have some sort of outlet. other than being scolded. and feeling dumb. and then second guessing what i am doing with my career. is this really what i want to be doing. its not rewarding. its frustrating. and no matter how you dice it. its always answering to someone else's ignorance. but the grass is always greener on the other side.

and now answering baby winsteads request: My friend tagged me to write 7 random facts about myself and encourage 7 others with blogs to do the same. I am choosing not to tag people, but would encourage others to do the same (stac, jgib, joj & LEM).

1. i hate wearing shoes. i am barefoot the majority of the day. even at work i take my shoes off while at my desk. and i must. must drive barefoot on long car rides. (except in the winter).

2. when i am completely comfortable. or falling asleep. i have to have something under my nose. usually a blanket. sheet. stuffed animal. or sometimes as noted by friends. three fingers. (3. yes i still sleep with a stuffed bunny named baxter. not every night. or its not like i can not fall asleep without him. but he shares my bed).

4. i love steak. thick. juicy. a little bloody. usually med-rare. yummy. steak.

5. i have an extra bone in my collar bone. that flairs when i am sick.

6. i hate cats. oh wait. thats not random. but i have had cat-scratch fever twice in my life.

7. when watching college football on saturdays. i sit in envy. i really think one of the coolest feelings in the world. would be to score a touchdown. but not just a touchdown. like an 80-yard run. with the other team running behind you. and nothing but open field in front of you. the speed of some of these guys. i want to run fast. and have my eyes on the end zone. to then complete a victory dance. (and this is not in a rudy kind of way. 8. i hate the movie rudy. its right up there with the band creed. and rid rock).


Lowa said...

Thanks for completing the duty I gave you :)

twojulies said...

you know what duty i think you should be doing...

KG said...

Rudy? Really?
Rudy! Rudy! Rudy!

Stacy said...

CREED! Bah! I can't think of them without thinking of that night when someone saw Marine Matt run around in his skivvies...was that you or Laura?

Joanna said...

Speaking of which, I need to complete one of my daily duties. Ha! Still gets me every time.

Jmeg said...

twas me. i am also horrified by that image of mm.