Thursday, March 19, 2009


i ventured out last night with with a new buddy. and an old friend. to a concert. it has been awhile since i have been to a show. missy higgins was performing at a venue i have been to a couple of other times. i am not too familiar with her. but she pops up on my pandora station through out the day. so i thought. might as well. always up for finding new music.

i am ashamed to say. that. i. was. the annoying. out of control. drunk girl. i had a few cosmos. a little wine. and not a lot of food. which i think every one knows is a combo. for disaster. i should have known it was getting bad. when i left my debit card at happy hour location. and the waiter had to chase after us. i didnt stop. i continued to be mouthy. we all became friends with everyone around us. they liked us at first. then we became rude. and disrespectful. by talking during the performance. and not caring about anyone else around us. i think back on my actions. and my goodness. i would have hated. i would have yelled. i would not have tolerated 'me' if the tables were turned.

i mean. we had a blast. we have nutty pictures. and lots of laughs this morning. it was hard. dragging myself out of bed. i should know better. on a work night. i have made it through the day. being productive. eating greasy food. and a cat nap over lunch. now if only. i could apologize to the people around me. i hope they too had a great time. and i didnt ruin it too much. although after the bouncer asked us to leave. they all began to clap. wow.


Lowa said...

After a post like that, I think we need to see some of those pics!

Anonymous said...

aw, my sweet little jamie. i think you're fun like that, but then again, maybe i'm biased :) maybe they were clapping when you left b/c they were applauding your butt. always look at the bright side!