Wednesday, August 26, 2009


i love my new bff. the iphone. but while playing with her. (that sounds bad). i cant help but think of the children. yes the children. the kiddies that now have these devices at early ages. and will never experience the fun of growing up. of not knowing everything. or getting lost. or being bored. all they have to do it google something from their phone. if they get bored play a new game while waiting. or use the map device when lost. it makes life so easy. almost too easy. so i try not to get lost in the phone too much. but i cant help it.

it reminds me of the time lil joj and i got stuck in the mud in high school. it was a rainy, spring evening. we had just gotten off work. and were headed to meet friends at a party. she was driving her dad's truck. my arm was broken at the time. i had my left arm in a cast. that went over the elbow. the party was at an unfamiliar, newer apartment building. so we did a drive by first. during the turn around. we went onto grassy, muddy area. and as you probably already guessed. we got stuck. we tried to push it out ourselves. luckily there were plastic bags in the truck. so i covered my cast and went to push. while she gave it gas. and then we switched. after many laughs. and almost peeing my pants. and getting soaken wet and muddy. we gathered enought change for a few choice phone calls on a pay phone down the street. we had to call those friends that had 'teen lines'. since it was late. and we didnt see our friends cars at the said party. (we were at the wrong complex, figures). no one picked up. so last resort. we called her parents. i think we had to call collect because we ran out of change. (i used to call my house collect all the time. i would try my hardest to get out a message during the say your name part. mother would never play along. she would just accept charges. and then be annoyed that i needed to be picked up from drivers ed. that i didnt remember to bring change. ahh, such is life). now kids will never have these stories. they will just be punished for sending 15,000 texts or something crazy like that.

although how convienent is it to have a netflix app. then when i am watching a movie. tv. or reading a magazine. i see a movie. rather than write it down in my notepad. to add later. i can look for it right there and then. add it to my queue. and its done.


Joanna said...

I about peed my pants (again) just now. The thought of you in that cast with the trash bag over it! Next, tell the story of the other arm/stuck/truck story outside the movie theater...involving a little popcorn butter. Another gem! In regards to the phone issue, my children will get my old nokia. HA.

Unknown said...

I remember that night too! But from a totally different point of view...