i am a proud owner of a royals straw cowboy hat. just what every kansas city-nite needs. it was my goal of the evening. and after standing in line to buy tickets. some lame-o couldnt figure out how to buy tickets. i stood there watching all the other folks grabbing hats. i just stood there. waiting on the man. when we entered the gates. they were gone. i was so distraught. and just knew i needed this hat (they were giving them out for free to the first 20,000 attendees). i then offered to buy a hat from someone for $5. now i have my bret michaels look alike straw hat. it will be perfect for the lake. and pretty much everyday wear. ha.
and the weekend finale was the best. really it was. save the best for last. it was another intimate evening with one of my favorite musicians. it was finally time for the feist concert. i had will call tickets. so had no idea where our seats were. brother and i got there early. to a ghost town. should have known when paying for parking. the ticket girl asked what was going on that night. they were only expecting 1,500. probably 1/3rd of the venue was actually filled. we entered the venue about an hour until show time. we had great seats. right in the middle. 7 rows from the stage. it was a gorgeous night. cooled off nicely. and the only thing that was somewhat alarming were the bats flying after dusk. feist was perfect. i loved it. the music was fab. the ornate. clever. puppet show in the back. the evening was ideal. and i love my shirt from the show. that i am sporting today. here are some clips and pics. (you would think by now. i might have sat down and read my damn manual for the camera. my shutter speed is still too slow. so i have a slew of blurry pics. oh well. i cant trade the images in my head. and the feeling of being there).
i think your pics are cool. very etheral. sounds like a sweet time! and i too, have a give-away cowboy hat. very britany, i think. eek.
i think you may have forgotten about our time together?
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