Monday, June 30, 2008


moved this weekend. now i must unpack. ugh. i sat on my over sized chair last night. amongst the sea of boxes. eating a microwaveable mac & cheese meal. i drank from a gallon jug of water. and used my trix yogurt spoon. the kind that turns colors when it gets cold. (totally cool). but it was the only thing i had. it was more interesting finding clothes to wear to work this morning. i wore a shirt that was a little wrinkled. well a lot. my dad would not be happy with me if he saw it. but i said what the heck. if someone were to ask. wow. your shirt looks like its been waded up in a ball. i could honestly say. yes. it has been.

here is something to ponder. what is more annoying. when someone uses the phrase 'as soon as possible'. i cant decide. i dont think it is as annoying if they say the whole phrase. i find it somewhat obnoxious when it is used as 'asap'. asap. asap. but i found the most annoying use of it today. someone left me a voicemessage. and asked if they could have that. a.s.a.p. yeah. spelling it out. has to be the worst.

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