Monday, December 1, 2008


a tad late. but a good way to begin the holiday season. and my monday after a long weekend. i am very thankful for many things in my life. in no particular order. or reasoning.

family. funny families. togetherness. canine kin.
friends. near. far. timeless.
meds. i am a pill popper.
music. old. and new talented artists.
movies. the good. the bad. the bad that make you find the good.
food. eating favorites. finding new delicious treats. but still remaining picky.
shoes. boots. fashion. trends.
coffee. warm. delightful smell.
freedom. independence. safety.

the thanksgiving weekend was nice. i lived like a bum. remaining in comfy clothes majority of the time. and not worrying much about my hygiene and appearance. i watched the macy's day parade. and thought about how cold. and miserable it must have been to get there and to go home after. with 3 million of your closest friends there too. and then on my drive back to my house. driving through the plaza shopping area. i remembered why i tend to be a scrooge over the holidays. i love living in this area any other time of the year. but with so many folks/visitors out shopping. not only do they clog the cross walks. if they use the proper cross walks and lights. but they also drive like idiots. slow. and like they have never been out. never entered a parking garage. or driven down a new street.

but it was delightful to turn the pages on my calendars. december is here. i have not completed any holiday shopping. i like to wait until the last week. its more exciting that way. or so i convince myself.

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