optimism. i consider myself a very optimistic person. i try to not only look on the bright side of things. but also see the best in people. now dont get me wrong. i love passing judgment. i guess it is the people that i truly like. that have won me over. that i always see the best in. a part of my optimism is also being naive. some times i like to just not know everything about everything. many would disagree. and i dont want to generalize this too much. but sometimes i feel like we can have media overload. and i dont mind not knowing about all the murder. and other bad things going on everyday. eh. maybe i am crazy. after awhile all the bad news just tends to weigh on you.
so he says. you need more pictures. here is a montage of my evening last night. the cafe hotel tour wasn't great. it was awesome. i recommend to anyone who has a chance to attend. the intimacy (as predicted) was amazing. we rubbed elbows. bumped into. and i even groped one gentleman. hey. i was provoked by the guy on stage. and it was more like i touched his arm. trying to keep this blog p.g. so as you can see my bloom and i are bff with ingrid at the end. sorry brother cut you out of one. but thats what happens when we meet crazy. drunk girls. who helped us be more assertive and get our pics. and i need to work on the camera skills. first concert. and didnt prepare my settings very well prior to getting into the dark smoky. bar.
GF08: i had a some wine. stella. miller lite. does that count for getting fit? tonight. back on. hoping 4 wont be as painful.
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