Friday, April 4, 2008


q is for...

quirky. i guess. i have been pondering this letter all morning. on my way to work. while getting coffee. checking email. and all i could think of was quirky. possibly quidditch. which is the game that is played at the school of wizardry in Harry Potter novels. but i dont consider myself that big of a buff. or fan. to comment more than that. so quirky it is. every one has their quirks. i think i might have more than the average person. but that is yet to be tested. i like to be less than predictable. and i think its those odd. random. things about a person that make them interesting.

i took this quiz. 51% it says.

You're a pretty quirky person, but you're just normal enough to hide it.
Congratulations - you've fooled other people into thinking you're just like them!

so enough of q. lets discuss todays adventures. in bloom is having her wisdom teeth extracted. please take a moment of silence and keep her in your thoughts. i think by now. she has made it to recovery. and her mum is waiting on her. hand. and foot.

i will be participating in my company's half day option. which will cause me to come into work tomorrow. to finish up on some loose ends. but it will be worth it. when i am painting pottery. i enjoy a nice craft project. i am leaning towards a new makeup holder. for my brushes. mascara. eyeliners. you know those things.

GF08: I am going to try my first attempt at running outdoors this weekend. tomorrow is supposed to be a nice. warm day. so wish me luck.

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