Friday, May 2, 2008


storm chasing has always been a hobby. (when i say storm chasing, its not like helen hunt, but we take some risks). we have many videos of us watching the eye of the storm. okay. again. might not be THE eye of the storm. but the cloud formations. the colors. and just watching it all change. is fascinating.

during the storms. i am usually the one to help keep the drama down. there were many times when i was forced into bath tubs. and to take other safety precautions. when i thought we were just being silly. i guess. since i have (bragging rights). survived two bad hurricanes. the fear has been shaken out of me. but then again. i am always calm. cool. and collective in emergency situations. no need to panic people.

please read va va va blooms posting for our storm chasing last night. i was the driver. while lil one put her photo journalistic skills to work.

i did not however care for the wind. and rain. and chill. while walking to work. luckily i had my pink rain jacket. i put my hood on. tightened the strings. and screamed the whole way. i thought may first would bring may flowers. not more showers. ha.

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