Thursday, March 6, 2008

baby shower quiche

I began my fascination with quiche about a year ago. my old male roommate once invited over his ex-fiance to make us a dinner of quiche. i uncomfortably had to act interested and offered to help when i felt appropriate. we ate off the quiche for days. it was then the love began.

i have since shared this with many friends. my most recent exposure was to my bff in virginia. i think there is a certain intimidation factor that involves anything with crust and a mystery mixture of stuff. it was during my visit to va that an impromptu brunch was thrown on the schedule, me being a little tipsy, blurts out "i'll bring quiche!" the crowd's first reaction was, hmmm...okay... great. the pressure was then on me. i did not have my usual recipe, but after a couple of searches on the internet (which, btw, what did we do prior to this thing they call the web, magnificent invention) i found something that would work. it was a mix of my normal recipe with a new twist. it turned out to be a great success and enjoyed by all. my bff in va now has welcomed the quiche making into her life and has since made one, with another planned soon.

this brings me to the present. there was a baby shower at work this afternoon. when i went to look at the sign up list, there were the usual chips, dips and brownies. i noticed the lack of main courses or side dishes. i pondered and then decided it was time. i would open the work crowd to my love of making quiche and covered dishes. although, i have since found out a joke was started, because apparently my sloppy script (i was in a hurry) looked more like i was planning on bringing - quickees to the potluck. yes, folks i was going to sit in a chair and welcome the crowd for a quickee over their lunch break. ha. it did make for a good laugh.

i woke up early this morning, which to anyone that knows me, this is a great deal of effort. there are few things that i see as reasons to awake from my peaceful, serenity that is my bed. it also helped i was dog sitting and heard some rustling in the next room that it was time for potties and breakfast.

i made two quiches, one cheddar and bacon and the other was my experiment. it included spinach, tomato, feta and italian cheese mix with finely chopped onions. the major concern was how they would travel. luckily, what comes with dog sitting, is that i can make myself at home. i was able to find a nice pyrex carrier that had the heating pad for the bottom. perfect! i baked the lovely pies this morning while getting ready (thank you roomie for that suggestion) and they were still warm for the lunch time crowd. i received many kudos and felt like an old pro - like ladies that lunch and share recipes that they just know off the top of their heads because they cook/bake so much. when in reality i only knew all the ingredients as i had made it mere hours ago.

so my lesson today is when life gives you lemons just make your office a quiche and it will make you smile.

GF08 update: i will see 3 miles next week. i ran my two on the treadmill but started to feel faint. (this could be because the treadmills/ellipticals are set up in a room with zero circulation other than the rotating floor fans). i walked for a couple more minutes and then decided to try something new. there is an indoor track at the community center i belong to. i ran about 4 laps around the track and felt like a gazelle. the wind was beneath my wings or under my feet. i felt like i glided across the rubber floor and as if i had accomplished the world after 4 laps. i also thought i had embraced another mile. i was incorrect, a runner must go around 10 times for one mile. yes, 10 times. can you imagine trying to run long distances on this track. i think i would lose track. i was barely able to remember 4.


Joanna said...

Sounds delish, please let me know if there are any leftovers :) I'll walk over!

Stacy said...

I think it's the same at my gym; for some reason the machines where you get the hottest are fan-free. Not cool. Literally.

ellenclare said...

please blog about how during spring time your GF08 will be running/walking outside for 2 hours each night....i miss GF07.

twojulies said...

well, Martha when do we get our slice of the quiche?

KG said...

My gym track is 11 laps to a mile. 11!
(oh-lowa sent me your blog link :) )